Saturday, 11 July 2015

Santigoon: Di Saamaka Konde

Stichting Eva is an NGO in Suriname that was established in 2006 and named after a well known villager of Santigoon whose name was Eva Pinas. She lived from May 24th 1924 to November 8th 2003 and was known in the village as “Thatcher” named after Margaret Thatcher, because she was a strong lady who was well respected. Eva Pinas was also a Basja of Santigoon village. Stichting Eva wants to use this documentary film to tell people from all over the world about Santigoon and its unique culture, hospitality, diversity and beauty. By doing so the rules and the culture of Santigoon will be respected and preserved. This initiative by Stichting Eva will help contribute to the implementation of the development of Santigoon a Maroon village in the Wanica district of Suriname. Santigoon: Di Saamaka Kondë uses narrative, illustrations and song to tell a story of a one time famous village that has lost its glory.