Sunday, 19 September 2021

The Hidden Crime: Violence Against Men

There are many men in Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean who have been abused by their spouses, partners or girlfriends, and cannot seek help for lack of proof and mainly because of their ego. Most men tend to shy away and keep it hidden which causes more problems for them. Currently there are only shelters for abused women and none for men. Ideally, all abused persons, men or women should have shelters and support for their trauma. That is why I am producing a documentary film to be used as a tool to create awareness and sensitize the public, government agencies, charities/nonprofits, and advocacy groups on this issue. The Hidden Crime Behind Close: Violence Against Men is a documentary film produced by Oyetayo Raymond Ojoade. This film is intended to raise awareness that men are victims as well and they need the same psychological and financial assistance, shelters and safe houses and counseling that the battered women get access to. Take action and spread the word today. This thought provoking documentary film is now available on demand.