Created for an international audience, yet set against the intriguing backdrop of three diverse African-based religions each retaining some elements of Christianity, this documentary “From Adam’s Rib” will explore women’s status, roles, beliefs and practices in the sacred space of ‘Shouter’ Baptist, Rastafarian and Orisha women - a space that is a paradox of sorts - being simultaneously imprisoning and liberating, baffling and beautiful.
This exploration of women through this religious landscape shall take place in both Trinidad and Tobago, islands where mainstream religious institutions have by tradition, been rigidly male dominated. Some grassroots religions have inherited this gender bias, others have created a division of leadership based on it and still others have made no apologies in attempting to overthrow it. As such, the religious arena has become a gayelle where gender issues are challenged, resisted and fought at a time when women are negotiating their place in this arena.
Through a religious peep-hole, this documentary will investigate Afro-Trinidadian women’s social and cultural activities whilst it exposes some of the prejudices, assumptions, myths and challenges that seek to define and demote those of us created from Adam’s rib.
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